Happy New Year (Listen to this!)

Written by board member Eugenia DeMello:

I don’t believe in new year resolutions or vision boards. I blame Covid. I believe in happiness, simple, every day happiness. Happiness that comes with countless moments, memories and experiences. Whether it’s being happy for my daughter receiving a Spirit Award or getting a new puppy, this is happiness to me. 

As we are coming to the end of 2022, I have to say it was one that was full of happy endeavors. One of the biggest endeavors was finding and being a part of small non profit organization Iowans for Ukrainians. I was not looking for a nonprofit organization to be a part of or for more happiness. It just happened accidentally, and I’m happy it did! I spent the year working with amazing board members, raising money, and supporting Ukrainians in Ukraine. I am just realizing how fulfilling and happy these experiences made me feel. 

Enough about me, while you are all looking for New Year’s resolutions and your “word” for the next year, I highly recommend you listen to a podcast from The Happiness Lab: “Giving Tuesday: Why Giving Money Makes you Happier.” It’s a very “happy” podcast and this episode resonated with me the most. It talks about how it’s scientifically proven that giving your time or money can make you feel very happy. 

So for next year I wish you a lot of happiness, along with the rest of the board members here at Iowans for Ukrainians.

If you want to feel happy right away, you can start giving to Iowans for Ukrainians today by clicking the button below! :)


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